Friday, 27 November 2009

Another Oblivion Fail!

Apparently Oblivion has a big problem with the earth being really unstable and having the consistency of quicksand...Yep, you guessed it, I fell through the bottom of the game world again! It looked pretty cool though!

Fail. Also, I was constantly being attacked by a wolf while I was trapped in the earth.

BSG Fail!

Ok, I was watching Battlestar Galactica the other day on DVD when I noticed something in the background behind Anders. I guess someone at BSG production offices has a sense of humour!


Friday, 23 October 2009

Book Tripple Win!

Ok I would like to point out three things that are awesome about this book:
1. The book is recommended for Medical Students.
2. The Author's first name is Wynn.
3. The Publisher's name is Benjamin Cummings

Call me immature if you want, I just call it:

The Last Page Win!

You can probably tell how extremely bored I was a few minutes ago from reading this:
I was typing in random names of sites into my browser when I came across this site-
I want to start a religion dedicated to this site.

Weird Corpse Positions Fail!

In almost every game that has enemy bodies which stay on the map, there are also weird things that happen in the games as a result of this. My examples are from Half-Life 2 and I would not want to be some of the guys in these pictures!

Christmas Shopping Fail

I was doing some Christmas shopping on and I came across this rather interesting mask of a popular Gears of War character. I laughed for about 3 minutes straight when I saw this.

Truly Epic Fail.

Jonathan's Face Fail

While we were playing Garry's Mod, my friend Steven (who has appeared in a few Defenders videos) asked me if I could change G-Man's face into my impression of Jonathan's face. So I did. I found it quite funny:
