Saturday 12 September 2009

Another Grenade Fail!

Game: Wolfenstein
I am now completely convinced that the AI in Wolfenstein is broken. When I was fighting Nazis in the streets, one of them was hiding behind a wall and threw a grenade at me. Or rather, he tried to throw a grenade at me and managed to throw it straight up in the air, have it land on his head and blow several of his limbs off. I might as well just wait for all of the Nazis in Wolfenstein to kill themselves with their own grenades...


Sgt. Johnson Fail!

Game: Halo 3
While playing the mission "Halo" on Halo 3, Jonathan and I were running along one of the platform levels near the top of the tower and Jonathan suddenly disappeared in a flash of red light. It took us both a couple of seconds to figure out what happened.
Sergeant Johnson had killed Jonathan with his Spartan Laser! I guess he still holds a grudge against the Elites...


Technology Fail!

Alright, this one is accredited to my friend "Steven". When he told me this, I just found it very funny but ingenious at the same time.
Game: My friend's life!
Steven was talking to his friend and for some reason he was trying to explain what "formats" were. This is his explanation:
"Programs are shapes and each computer has a little wall with triangle, square and star shapes in them that only those shapes could get in to."

Fail...or not I guess it would be...success? WIN!

Sunday 6 September 2009

Real Life Fail

Game: Uhh...real life!
While this isn't really gaming, I saw this the other day and found it pretty funny. This is written on a sign outside a Tesco shop.


No Greeting Fail

Game: Oblivion
This game has glitches littered all over the place. Seriously. This particular character is a monk in a monastery who apparently is pretty unwilling to greet me. I don't think that I am even supposed to be able to talk to this character.
I know the text is pretty hard to read, but it says:
And all this character does while I am in the text menu with them is lean towards me and back away, then lean towards me again really, really quickly.


Peter's Package Fail!

Game: Bully
While this might have been intentional since the developers of this game are notorious for this sort of thing, it is still funny. This is apparently either a mission objective or a very crude joke:


Floating Locust Fail

Game: Gears of War 2
While playing a match of Horde with Jonathan, we killed every other locust on the map on round 10 but there was still one elusive locust hiding somewhere in the area. We looked everywhere else on the map and then I heard Jonathan laughing over the microphone. When I moved over to where he was standing, I noticed something rather strange. A floating Bloodmount-rider. We have come across this glitch many times but we still find it funny.


Nazi AI Fail

Game: Wolfenstein
While I was infiltrating the SS base, I came across a problem. There was a Nazi who I had to kill (for some reason) which is normally not a difficult task, but there was no way to get into the room until I completed another task. While I was trying to figure out what I was supposed to do, I cam across a window which looked into the room. The Nazi inside of the room was just staring at me so I decided to shoot the window to see if I could get a response.
All hell broke loose inside that room. The Nazi went absolutely insane, he began shooting at me whenever I showed my face from behind the glass and then he even began to throw grenades at me! He was in a sealed room...and this game is not good enough to have destructible walls. Well, if you look at the image below, the puddle of red gore on the floor is the remains of the Nazi after he blew himself up with his own grenade.


Initiation Fail!

I just wanted you all to know that while I was creating this Blog several things happened. Here is the full list:
1. My internet disconnected three times in the space of 5 minutes.
2. My PC crashed.
3. After restarting my PC, every window that I had open before it crashed opened again (good) and then duplicated themselves about three times each (bad).

While this situation was very annoying, I feel that it was probably due to the fact that I am starting a blog about fails.